Meditory : The Journal of Medical Laboratory

Meditory provides a forum for publishing novel technologies and knowledge related to medical laboratory technology. Scientific articles dealing with parasitology, hematology, and toxicology are welcome. Meditory is an e-journal published by Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar. The research article submitted to this online journal will be peer-reviewed by at least 2 (two) reviewers. Every article that goes to the editorial staff will be selected through Initial Review processes by the Editorial Board. Then, the articles will be sent to the Mitra Bebestari/ peer reviewer and go to the following selection by the Double Blind Preview Process. After that, the articles will be returned to the authors for revision. These processes take two weeks for a maximum time. Mitra Bebestari/ peer reviewer in each manuscript will be rated from the substantial and technical aspects. The Editors will decide on article acceptance according to the Reviewer's comments. Mitra Bebestari a peer reviewer who collaborated with Meditory is an expert in the medical laboratory technology area and issues around it. They were experienced in the prestigious journal management and publication that was spread around the nation and abroad. This journal provides immediate access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global knowledge exchange.

ISSN : 2338-1159
E-ISSN : 2549-1520

Meditory (The Journal of Medical Laboratory)




Meditory is currently in the accreditation assessment stage  
Posted: 2024-05-28 More...
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Vol 12, No 1 (2024): Meditory, Volume 12 No. 1 Tahun 2024

Table of Contents


I Gusti Agung Ayu Satwikha Dewi, Ni Made Sri Dwijastuti, Ni Putu Senshi Septiasari, Ni Putu Widiantari, Ni Putu Puniari Eka Putri
Ni Putu Mentari Yulia, ida bagus oka suyasa, i gede sudarmanto, i nyoman gede suyasa
Julianti Isma Sari Usman, Aswiro Hasan, Sari musrifah, Ahmad Zil Fauzi
Ni Nyoman Widiari, Ni Putu Dewi Tata Arini, I Wayan Karta
Marta Atik Martsiningsih, Fardhiasih Dwi Astuti, Sistiyono Sistiyono, Suyana Suyana, Ullya Rahmawati, Muji Rahayu, Novita Siti Musyafaah
Marisca Jenice Sanaky, Theosobia Grace Orno
Luh Putu Anik Rastuti, Diah Prihatiningsih, Ni Luh Gede Puspita Yanti