Author Guidelines
Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan (The Journal Of Midwifery) is a scientific periodic journal published by Midwifery Department of Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Denpasar twice a year. The articles published are in the form of manuscripts/articles resulting from research and non-research in the field of midwifery care.
The editorial team accepts scientific article manuscripts, both from within and outside of Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Denpasar. The submitted manuscript/article has never been published or is being submitted for publication in other media, both domestic and foreign.
Manuscripts sent may not necessarily be published, depending on the considerations of the editorial board. For published manuscripts, the editorial board has the right to change the contents of the manuscript without the author's knowledge as long as it does not conflict with the main article. For manuscripts that are rejected, the editor will return them to the author concerned.
Manuscript Components
The research result article consists of a title, author's name, abstract in English, keywords, introductions, methods, results, discussions, conclusions and recommendations, and bibliography.
Review article consists of a title, author's name, abstract in English, keywords, introductions, contents, closings, and bibliography.
- The title is written in the English language and informative, concise, and not too long or short (5 -12 words).
- Consists of the variables under study and describes the content of the manuscript.
- The title does not contain abbreviations or formulas.
- The title page should include the title of the manuscript only. The names of authors should be deleted to ensure double-blinding of the paper during the peer review process.
Abstract and Keywords
- Abstracts are written in English and Indonesian language.
- Abstract contains a brief description of the problem (background), objectives, methods and research results.
- Abstracts must not exceed 200 words and are followed by keywords in English of 3-5 words, separated by signs ;.
The introduction is presented in an integrated manner without subtitles. It is written in the form of paragraphs with a length of 15-20% the length of the article and contains: problems, objectives and a summary of theoretical studies related to the problem being studied
The method is written with a length of 15-20% the length of the articles and contains research design, population and sample, data collection and analysis techniques.
Results and Discussion
Results and discussion are presented with a length of 60-70% of the length of the articles. The results represent a major part of scientific articles containing: results of data analysis, hypothesis testing, answering research questions, findings and interpretation of findings.
Conclusion and Reccomendations
Conclusions contain answers to the research questions. Recommendations refer to the results of research and practical form of action, specifying to whom and for what recommendation is intended. Written in essay form, not in numerical form.
- Contain literature that is referenced in the content, arranged alphabetically, and written in the format IEEE (numbering).
- Fully written, appropriate with the references in the content
- Only load literature referenced in the content
- Sources of references are 80% from literature published last 10 years.
- References are at least 80% from research articles in journals or research reports.
- Bibliography format is format IEEE (numbering)
- Management reference applications such as Mendeley or Endnote, should be used by authors when citing a reference.
Writing Format
- Articles are typed on a computer using a word processing program (Ms. Word). The typeface used is Times New Roman with font size 11, 1 spacing on A4 paper size.
- The maximum length of the article is 20 pages including bibliography.
- Specifically, the front page (cover) contains the article title, author's name, name of institution, abstract and keywords.
- English Titles Written in 12-18 Words (Times New Roman 14, single spaced, bold, upright, capital letters at the beginning of each word except prepositions and conjunctions, center aligns the text)
- Subheadings are written left aligned with capital letters at the beginning of the sentence
- Each table or figure is given a sequential number, a title that corresponds to the contents of the table and a quotation source if any
- The situations in the article are followed by a serial number, the title corresponding to the order of appearance in the problem is written as a superscript.
- The bibliography is written in Vancouver Style, for example:
- Abel R. The eye care revolution : prevent and reverse common vision problems. New York:Kensington Books;2004.
- Akkad A, Jackson C, Kenyon S, Dixon – wood M. Habiba M. Patien’s perceptions of written concent: questionnaire study. BM Journal, 2006; 333:528-9
- Cook DJ Philip, Philip L. To treat or treat? An empirical perspective. Dalam : Hollin, CR, editor. Handbook of effender assessment and treatment. Chichester: Wiley; 2001. P. 3-15
- Lane C, Wilkonson F, Littek W, Heisig U, Browne J, Burchell B, The future of professionaised work : UK Gemany compared. London : Anglo – German Foundation for the Study of industrial Society; 2003 [accessed 11 Juli 2008]. Available form
- Merchant AT, Mahsis D, Behnke-cook D, Anand SS. Diet, physical activity, and adiposity in children in poor and rich neighborhoods; a cross sectional comparison, Nutr J. 2007;6 [accessed 10 Juli 2008) Available form :