Patient Perspectives on Pre-Operative and Post-Operative Care of Colorectal Cancer: a Systematic Review

Ni Made Juniari, Nuzul Qur`aniati


Treatment for patients with colorectal cancer often only focuses on medical and clinical aspects. All diagnostic procedures, preoperative care, and post-operative recovery have a significant impact on the patient's quality of life. This is a systematic review of qualitative study published where the aim was to evaluate the perspectives of patient with colorectal cancer on pre-operative and post-operative care. The articles were searched for using the PRISMA approach from within Scopus, Web of Sciences and PubMed to identify the relevant English publications on colorectal cancer patient’s perspectives over the last 5 years (2019-2023). In total, 5 studies met the inclusion criteria. The results of this review: sample size used in the research varied between 9-18 respondents. Two studies were located in the Netherlands, the other three studies were located in Norway, Washington, and Denmark. There are five studies that examine patients' experiences and views regarding preoperative care, post-operative recovery, post-operative changes, and the need for post-operative actions. All studies use the respondent's perspective in data collection and use a qualitative design. There are three themes that are the main focus of these five studies, namely: information, coping strategies and symptoms. It can be concluded that patients with colorectal cancer really need detailed information regarding pre-operative preparation for post-operative recovery. Support from people closest to them such as family has an impact on the patient's coping strategies in facing the changes that occur after surgery. Patients with a stoma generally have problems with stool, so patients must be taught how to regulate diet, meal times, and activities.

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