The Effect of Image Media Use on Elementary Students' Participation in Rabies Prevention Program in Denpasar City
Abstract. Education can be obtained through formal and informal learning, in formal institutions such as schools. This disease is caused by the rabies virus which is transmitted through the bite of rabies-transmitting animals such as dogs, cats and monkeys. The research used was Pre-Experimental Designs namely One-Group Pre-Post-Test (one Pretest-Posttest group). The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of before and after the use of image media on the participation of elementary school students in rabies prevention programs in Denpasar City. The study took place in 6 (six) elementary schools totaling 360 fifth grade students as samples. The results of the level of knowledge of elementary school students before using picture media obtained good scores of 212 people (58.9%), while less than 21 people (5.8%). The attitude of elementary school students before using media images obtained a good score of 233 people (64.7%), while less than 5 people (1.4%). The level of participation of elementary school students who got good scores was 152 (42.2%) people, while those who lacked 72 (20%) people because these students did not have and do not keep dogs. The results of the category after getting treated showed that the level of knowledge of students scored well as many as 304 (84.4%) people, while less than 5 (1.4%) people. The attitude of students scores well as many as 309 (85.8%) people, less as many as 3 (0.8%) people. The level of good scores was 270 (75%) people, while less than 40 (11.1%) people. It was concluded that the results of the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test analysis in the sample group found that teaching methods using image media effectively affected the level of knowledge, attitudes and student participation in rabies prevention programs in Denpasar City. Suggestions that can be delivered are: 1) For primary schools, to be able to provide a media image method in order to increase students' knowledge, attitudes and participation in rabies prevention programs in Denpasar. 2) For future researchers it is recommended to conduct further research on the effect of media use on students by using different research designs.
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