Increased Knowledge about Dental Caries in Visitors to Puskesmas I Abiansemal After Counseling Using Leaflet Media

ida ayu dhyana agustina ananda


Dental caries is still a problem in Indonesia, one of the causes is behavior, behavior can be changed by increasing knowledge and knowledge is usually improved by promotion. In conducting promotions, media is needed, one of the health promotion media is leaflets, leaflets in the form of leaflets containing information, promotions, can be carried, and contain correspondent numbers.  The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in knowledge of dental caries before and after counseling using leaflet media at visitors to Puskesmas I Abiansemal Badung Regency in 2023. This type is descriptive research. The number of respondents was 67 visitors, the research was conducted in April. Data collection methods are through questionnaires (pre-test) and (post-test) which are then analyzed univariate. The results showed that the level of knowledge of most before counseling with failed categories as much as (26.87%). But after being given counseling it increased, namely all with very good categories as many as 67 people (100%). The average knowledge of dental clinic visitors about dental caries before counseling was 53.58 including the category of less and after counseling was 93.88 including the category of very good, the increase in the average knowledge of dental clinic visitors before and after counseling increased by 40.3. The conclusion from the results obtained can be drawn that counseling using leaflets is effective for increasing dental caries knowledge in dental clinic visitors.

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