Work fatigue is experienced by labor influenced by differences in the state of the physical and mental body, in work activities standing more energy expenditure is quite large compared to the sitting position. This research is based on work fatigue that has been experienced by the Fleet Ticket Officers (PTA) of Trans Semarang Bus who have been working in a standing position and serving the public with 5S (Smile, Greeting, Greeting, Polite, Courteous). So the purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of length of standing, tenure and nutritional status to job fatigue in Fleet Ticketing Officers, this study is a quantitative study with a cross sectional approach. The instruments in this study were the Industrial Fatigue Research Committee (IFRC) questionnaire, measuring height with a stature meter height tool and weight using a Han River Type F1006-1 digitan scale. This study used purposive sampling method which totaled 70 workers. Data analysis in the study used the Spearman ranks test. The findings of the study of the working period of respondents with ≤ 4 years there were 53 people (75.7%), for ≥ 4 years 17 people (24.3%). The results showed that the nutritional status of most Fleet Ticketing Officer workers experienced Overweight as many as 37 people (52.%) and normal 33 people (47.1%). Based on the length of standing, it is known that the number of respondents who experience standing ≤ 4 hours is 49 people (70%), if those who experience standing ≥ 4 hours are 21 people (30%). Based on the results of fatigue, it can be seen that respondents who experience low fatigue are 46 people (65.7%), while those who experience moderate fatigue are 24 people (34.3%). The results of statistical tests showed no relationship between length of standing, tenure and nutritional status to fatigue in Ticketing Officers of Trans Semarang Bus Fleet.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33992/icmahs.v1i1.3025
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