The Effect of Cold Cough Massage on Cold Cough Healing Time in Toddlers

Susi - Librawati




Background: ISPA ranks first as a disease suffered by children under five in Indonesia and is the highest reason for coming to health facilities such as hospitals or health centers to get treatment. This condition can start with non-pneumonia complaints such as coughing up a cold. One of the signs and symptoms of pneumonia in infants is a cough and runny nose. Cold cough is a primary infection of the nasopharynx and nose that often affects infants and children. Efforts to cure coughs and colds apart from drugs are massage therapy for colds and coughs with acupressure. This cold cough massage has never been done at the Pandanaran Health Center. This study aims to determine the effect of cold cough massage with acupressure on the healing time of cold cough in toddlers.

Methods: This research was conducted using a quantitative design with a quasi-experimental design and a non-equivalent control group post-test only design. The population of this study were children aged 12-59 months who had a common cold and were treated at the Pandananran Health Center in Semarang, which were collected between April 28 and June 13, 2022, as many as 30 respondents. The participants were divided into two groups, namely the experimental group who were given therapy at the puskesmas (paracetamol, CTM, dexamethasone, and Vitamin B Complex) and cold cough massage with acupressure, and the control group who were given therapy from the puskesmas (paracetamol, CTM, dexamethasone, and vitamins B complex) without cold cough massage with acupressure. Observation of the duration of healing cold coughs in toddlers is carried out within 6 days after the cold cough massage with acupressure once a day for 3 consecutive days.

Results: Mann-Whitney test results showed a significant difference between the healing time of the group with cold cough massage and without cold cough massage (p=0.005; p<0.05).

Conclusion: A cold cough massage was found to speed up the healing time for a cold cough than without a cold cough massage. These findings can be applied in clinical practice to speed up the healing time for cold coughs so that the number of sick toddler visits due to ARI to the puskesmas can be reduced.


Keyword :  cold cough massage, day length

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