Sensory Profiles and Chemical Properties of Biscuit Made from Mocaf and Tempe Flour

Komang Adi Yudi Trisna S, Badrut Tamam, AA Nanak Antarini, Suratiah Suratiah


Biscuit is a bakery product made from wheat flour with or without the addition of other foods. The need for wheat flour in Indonesia is obtained by importing it in large quantities, so that alternative food ingredients are needed as a substitute for wheat flour. Mocaf flour is known as an alternative cassava flour to replace wheat. Mocaf flour has weaknesses when compared to wheat such as lower protein content, so the protein content in biscuits can be increased by adding other protein sources such as tempeh. To make tempeh more preferable, a change in the form of tempeh is made into flour. This study aims to determine the effect of the ratio of mocaf flour and tempeh flour on the characteristics of biscuits. The type of research used is experimental research, using a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The results showed that the difference in the ratio of mocaf flour to tempeh flour had a significant effect on organoleptic quality which included color, aroma, texture, taste, overall acceptability, aroma quality, texture quality, moisture content, fiber content, and protein content. The best treatment from this study was P1 with (90% mocaf flour: 10% tempeh flour) with color quality characteristics of 4.16 (like), aroma 4.21 (like), taste 4.44 (like), texture 4.14 (like), with aroma quality 2.92 (not unpleasant), texture quality 2.61 (crispy) and overall acceptability 4.38 (like) with 2.85% water content, 8.16% protein content and fiber 4.87%.


Mocaf Flour; Tempeh Flour; Organoleptic; Nutritional Value Content

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