Gambaran Umum Hygiene Sanitasi Pedagang Makanan Jajanan Di Pantai Berawa Desa Tibubeneng Kecamatan Kuta Utara Kabupaten Badung Tahun 2018

Adek Dwi Anggi Astiti, I Wayan Suarta Asmara


Abstract: Berawa Beach originated from Bali which is one of the beaches that are in demand by domestic tourists as well as foreign tourists as a tourist place located in the Badung area of North Kuta District. Increased tourist arrivals that occur require the availability of food snacks in Berawa beach area. The purpose of this research is to find out the General Description of Hygiene Sanitation of Food Traders in Berawa Beach Tibubeneng Village, North Kuta Sub-district, Badung Regency in 2018. The research type is descriptive observation with survey method on street vendors and observing sanitation facilities around street vendors which is at the location of Berawa Beach. From six of the street vendors in Berawa Beach, they get the result that is on the traders of cilok, chicken noodles, meatballs, and food and beverage traders are included in the less qualified category whereas the fried traders and maize traders are included in the unqualified category. From 16 questions on the examination of sanitation facilities around the street vendors in Berawa Beach get a total value of 5 which included in the category does not meet the requirements. The total results of all six peddlers there are four street vendors included in the unqualified category and two street vendors included in the less qualified category. For the merchants more to maintain food hygiene as well as for the coast manager is advised to better facilitate the state of Berawa.


Hygiene, street hawkers and facilities

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