Pengaruh Dosis Serbuk Biji Kelor (Moringa Oliefera) Terhadap Kadar Biochemical Oxygen Demand Air Limbah Rumah Pemotongan Ayam Tahun 2021

Tisya Daniswari, Wayan Sali


Abstract: Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) levels in home industry of Chicken Slaughterhouse’s wastewater that exceed the standard are discharged into water which will cause environmental pollution and will decrease in dissolved oxygen content in waters which can result in the death of aquatic organisms. The results of measuring BOD levels in Chicken Slaughterhouse, UD Giri Sari wastewater obtained an average of 814.78 mg/L which exceeds the quality standards of the Regulation of the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2014 concerning Wastewater Quality Standards, that the BOD content is 100 mg/L. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the effect of Moringa Oleifera seed powder dosage on reducing levels of BOD in wastewater in the Chicken Slaughterhouse industry in 2021. The method in this study was a Quasi-experimental with a Pre-Test-Post-Test Group research design. In the normality test, the data were normally distributed, then based on the One Way ANOVA test, the significant value that obtained was 0,000 <0.05, which means that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that there is a difference in the effect of the dose of Moringa oleifera seed powder on reducing levels of Biochemical Oxygen Demand in wastewater of Chicken Slaughterhouse industry in 2021. BOD levels and met the quality standard, namely the dose of 1 g/L with a result of 93.44 mg/L which decreased by 88.53%.


Keyword: BOD, Moringa Oliefera Seed Powder

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